Key Takeaways from Team Six at HIMSS18

  • Parth Patel
Key Takeaways from this year's HIMSS18
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Key Takeaways from Team Six at HIMSS18

The Six team had a wonderful time connecting with all the participants at the recently concluded HIMSS18.

Here is their quick takeaway list from the Conference.

We look forward to connecting with you again next year!  


Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning made their presence  felt this year with a wide range of vendors incorporating it in their services.


Hospitals are reworking their policies and procedures  related to paperwork to put patients front and centre in every aspect.


With an increasing number of cyber threats, a budget priority for all health organizations is a must.


Mobile solutions can be used to leverage patient behavior data, deliver dynamic content to support health care preop and postop as well as make healthcare an integral part of life with a wide range of wearable devices.


With so much achieved, the key hurdles still remain - inter-operability and deregulation to reduce complexities in the documentation process.